About Us

The Fact Site is an ever-growing knowledge base for the world’s most random and interesting facts.

We have thousands of facts about nearly anything you could think of, from the cutest animals to the most dangerous crimes; there really is something to please everyone here.

The Fact Site History

The Fact Site (formally Funky-Facts) was founded in December 2008 by college student Luke Ward.

His goal was to share the facts he learned and hope somebody, somewhere, would share his love for fun facts.

In February 2011, Funky-Facts had a huge makeover and re-branded to The Fact Site. During this year, more engaging content was produced, which saw increased traffic and reputation.

In 2012, The Fact Site became more diverse in topics and had 3 authors producing weekly content. This year we reached 100,000 unique monthly visitors.

In May 2013, The Fact Site moved to WordPress and hasn’t looked back since!

Between 2014 & 2015, The Fact Site went through many changes to become more professional and have a better standard of writing. Our facts were researched more and checked against multiple sources. The goal during this period was to provide the best online service for factual information, as well as the most trustworthy source for facts.

Late 2015 saw a re-brand, along with a new logo and color scheme. By this point, we had 6 authors producing content for The Fact Site.

In February 2016, The Fact Shop was launched. Because of the large number of suggestions we had received, we set up an online store selling our favorite facts on clothing and other merchandise.

In December 2018, The Fact Site celebrated its 10th birthday by writing the largest list of facts on the internet! These facts were individually written and researched by our amazing team.

In 2021, The Fact Site launched its “On This Day in History” section, giving daily facts about events, famous birthdays, and special holidays that happen throughout the year.

We are currently expanding our online social presence via Facebook, Twitter, InstagramTumblrPinterest & TikTok.

Be sure to follow us for the newest facts, our favorite lists, and a whole bunch of random information.

Meet Our Team

Luke Ward

Luke Ward


I’m a passionate and professional entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience in fact writing, researching, SEO, web design, and fact-checking.

I’ve always enjoyed learning things they don’t teach you at school, but back in 2008, it wasn’t easy to find reputable fact sites online – so I made one…

The Fact Site started as a small personal site where I shared fun facts about topics that interested me. After a few years (and many emails), I began to let others share facts about things that interested them. And since then, we’ve had over 20 writers produce content for us!

In 2014, I landed an SEO/PPC Executive job for an online video games retailer, where I continued to learn about all aspects of SEO, as well as eCommerce and Pay Per Click advertising.

My interest in learning new things didn’t stop there. I began to travel the world in 2017 and visited 50 countries in 5 years! I made The Fact Site my full-time commitment during my life as a Digital Nomad and haven’t looked back since.

I’m available for interviews at any time, please get in touch over at the Contact Page & we can arrange a suitable time for us.

Jam Ward

Jamie Ward

Web Developer

I’m a web developer and part-time blogger. I enjoy the world of technology and the religions of the world. You’ll often find me at a local coffee shop reading and enjoying a latte.

Shash Wighton

Shash Wighton


I’m an avid traveler and enjoyer of all the good things life can throw my way. These days you’ll find me teaching English and writing while running my own campervan business.

CJ Cruz

CJ Cruz


I’ve built my career working as a freelancer my entire adult life. I’m a stay-at-home mom to my 8 cats, I’ll never be found without a coffee in hand, and I frequent DIY Punk gigs.

Aaron Lao

Aaron Lao


I’m a freelance eCommerce content writer and email marketer. When I’m not writing, expect me to be working on my hobbies while documenting my progress.

Becca Marsh

Becca Marsh


I’m a travel enthusiast and a lover of nature. I am the co-founder of Global Convoy, a travel production company. When I’m not filming, I enjoy writing about culture and travel.

Jennifer Anyabuine

Jennifer Anyabuine


I’m a med student and freelance writer. I write on diverse topics, including health, wellness, and lifestyle. When not studying or writing, I spend quality time with my family and two dogs.

Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson


I’ve always had a thirst for knowledge which places me perfectly as an editor for The Fact Site. In my spare time, I’m a lover of travel, health and fitness, and languages.

Ashley D

Ashley D


I’m an author and creator of 3 major blog sites and a full-time freelance writer. I write on a plethora of subjects, with my favorites being health, lifestyle, and travel.

Previous Contributors

Michelle Gabriel

Michelle Gabriel


Jack De Graaf

Jack De Graaf


Lizzie Robinson

Lizzie Robinson


Paul Casey

J. Paul Casey


Caleb Woods

Caleb Woods


Jess Church

Kai Church


Dan Lewis

Dan Lewis


Jade Hillock

Jade Hillock
